Consume a (c)VO from an Application (?) ======================================= The process to connect an application to the VO is simple. If Python is used, then the process is vastly simplified. The user needs to install the runtime as before: .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-1.png :align: center **Installation step** Afterwards, the library can be used to consume a VO: .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-2.png :align: center **Consume VO from App example** The “consumed_thing” object can be used with the corresponding API: - Property Read: .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-3.png :align: center **Consume VO from App example (read property)** - Property Write: .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-4.png :align: center **Consume VO from App example (write property)** - Action Invocation: .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-5.png :align: center **Consume VO from App example (action invocation)** - Event subscription .. figure:: ../images/app-vo-6.png :align: center **Consume VO from App example (event subscription)** `Detailed explanations are available here `. If Python is not used, then the developer will need to use each `protocol's API directly `_.