3.3. Consume a (c)VO from an Application (?)
The process to connect an application to the VO is simple. If Python is used, then the process is vastly simplified. The user needs to install the runtime as before:

Installation step
Afterwards, the library can be used to consume a VO:

Consume VO from App example
The “consumed_thing” object can be used with the corresponding API: - Property Read:

Consume VO from App example (read property)
Property Write:

Consume VO from App example (write property)
Action Invocation:

Consume VO from App example (action invocation)
Event subscription

Consume VO from App example (event subscription)
Detailed explanations are available here <https://netmode.gitlab.io/vo-wot/consumed.html>. If Python is not used, then the developer will need to use each protocol’s API directly.