4.3. Development Environment Sandbox

This section relates to the usage of a sandbox repository that has been created for the development of all the services that are required to run the HDAs. It is considered as a baseline repository to fork and develop your custom HDA in a working CICD environment which is connected to the HDAR and thus enables you to later deploy and test your applications. See image below.


Development Environment Sandbox

The objective is to simplify how HDAs are developed and provide a common CICD environment which ensures a minimal level of quality and reliability to all artifacts entering the Nephele SMO Platform. The Development Environment Sandbox is complemented with a second pipeline of verification which is performed at the HDA Registry, which includes more advanced tests, as shown in the figure below:


Development Environment Cycle

4.3.1. Prerequesites

A HDA developer needs to configure its own local environment with:

  1. Fork the development environment sandbox

  2. Create user and password to the Nephele Platform. Refer to Dashboard.

  3. Configure them as cicd variables in gitlab (NEPHELE_USER and NEPHELE_PASSWORD).

  4. Create a Gitlab Personal Access Token to interact with gitlab

  5. Clone your forked repository with the PAT

  6. Install a local docker CLI (e.g., docker desktop)

  7. Load the hdarctl CLI to your PATH

cd <forked-dev-env-sandbox>
TOOLS_DIR=$(realpath ./tools/)
hdarctl --help

4.3.2. Quickstart

  1. Login to HDAR with the Nephele platform credentials

hdarctl login registry.nephele-hdar.netmode.ece.ntua.gr -u <NEPHELE_USERNAME> -p <NEPHELE_PASSWORD>
  1. Create your first VO

hdarctl login registry.nephele-hdar.netmode.ece.ntua.gr -u <NEPHELE_USERNAME> -p <NEPHELE_PASSWORD>
  1. For each new virtual-object or hda-graph:

cd <corresponding directory>
hdarctl create --help   # Make sure to use the --adapt-dev-env tag
# Select the right artifact type and any option required
git add .
git commit -m "baseline artifact"
git push
# See the first CICD executed
  1. Until the artifact is considered finished continue with the dev cycle:

# Adapt descriptors as required to represent your use case
hdarctl lint <path to artifact>
# See logs and adapt the descriptors accordingly