4.1. Hyper-Distributed Applications Registry
The HDA Registry (HDAR) system is the common storage, distribution and verification system for all the artifacts involved in the deployment of HDA within the NEPHELE Platform. HDAR aims to finally align the storage, distribution and exposure mechanisms for artifacts of the Vertical Service Providers (VSP) and the Communication Service Providers (CSP). By scanning the artifacts, the HDAR will enhance the security posture of the HDAs in the NEPHELE project, ensuring a robust defence against potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations throughout the entire CEI continuum.

HDAR Modules
Aiming to contribute to this alignment of communities when applied to the compute continuum ecosystem, the HDAR will be implemented as a microservice-based system which will include an OCI-Registry compatible all the artifacts involved in the deployment of the HDAs, including standard and NEPHELE-specific implementations:
The HDA Graph
OSM Network Services (NSs) and Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) (rel >=V8)
Docker containers images
Helm charts (rel >=V3) including the VO and cVO.
Note: The terms “repository” and “registry” are often used interchangeably, however, there are some key differences between the two that are important to fully understand the HDAR system in the NEPHELE project. A registry is a storage and distribution system for those artifacts. A registry is organized into repositories, where a repository holds all the versions of a specific artifact.
4.1.1. Interfaces
The HDAR can be interacted with in two modes depending on the required functionality
Using the hdarctl CLI which is available as part of the development environment sandbox, refer to Development Environment Sandbox.
This utility is meant for developers and works in a similar way as the Helm and Docker CLIs. In fact, they are all CLIs to interact with an OCI-Registry and provide custom functionalities for their target artifact. The hdarctl is meant to be used for local HDAGs and (c)VOs and to push them to the HDAR. The HDAR can be seamlessly interacted with by the helm and docker CLIs for their corresponding artifact.

hdarctl commands
Using the Swagger UI to interact with a REST API. This is available under hdarapi.nephele-hdar.netmode.ece.ntua.gr/swagger/index.html and offers functionalities related to the management of the artifacts once inside of the Nephele Platform. These functionalities are consumed by the Dashboard and SMO but are open to users with credentials.

HDAR Swagger UI